Invisible content people

Invisible content people
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo / Unsplash

To be the best in any field, you are probably (a little) insane.

You could use the term "insecure overachievers": people who desire success to escape their internal struggles.

It seems unlikely that the most successful people are equally successful internally. But that's the frequent assumption.

These people are essential for progress, technological advancement, and the betterment of our species. After all, would we have gone to the Moon without the need to win the Space Race?

It's a delicate balance.

The opposite group of people is fascinating. The invisible people who don't need fame or wealth or their own book to be content.

Naturally, it's hard to find these people, because they live normal or even depressing lives from an outsider's perspective.

They are meditating in the mountains of Tibet, gathering food in the Amazon jungle, or running a convenience store in NYC.

It could be anyone, and you would only know once you knew them well. They deserve our attention because they don't desire it.

If you find someone who fits this description, take notes.