finding the balance

finding the balance
Photo by Andrew Neel / Unsplash

Some readers may have noticed (and told me) that I write here less often.

I used to commit to a weekly schedule. Every Monday at 6:00 AM, a brief brain-dropping fired off into your inbox. Recently, I've taken a step back from writing consistently. I'm not bailing on this project but pivoting the objectives.

Creativity with rigid timelines isn't always a winning combination. The act can feel forced if you're uninspired or distracted by life events. So, I've now adopted a "write-when-the-muses-come-calling" approach.

Funnily enough, this post is being written in just that way. It's earlier in the morning than I should be awake, but my mind has pushed me to type this out.

Sometimes, that's how creative work should be: loosely done when inspiration strikes. However, scheduling has helped me tremendously: creating a habit and generating huge amounts of finished work. A balance of both is likely the ideal solution.

Just like everything, right? Find the balance. And the right creative cocktail can shift as time turns.

Find the balance.

P.S. Someone told me they'd like to comment on these posts. So I enabled the comments for everyone with an account. I can't wait to hear your thoughts!